Sabtu, 09 April 2011



Curriculum system is formed by four components, namely component objectives, curriculum content, methods or strategies accomplish goals, and evaluation component. Component objectives related to the direction or outcome expected. Curriculum according to law No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System is a set of plans and arrangements regarding the purpose and content or teaching materials and methods used as guidance in the implementation of teaching and learning activities.
1.      Classification Objectives
According to Bloom, in his book Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, published in 1965, forms of behavior must be formulated as a goal that can be classified into three classifications domain of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.
a.       Cognitive Domain
According to Bloom's cognitive domain consists of 6 levels, namely:
            1.      Knowledge
            2.      Understanding
            3.      Implementation
            4.      Analysis
            5.      Synthesis
            6.      Evaluation
b.      Affective Domain
Affective domain has a level that is:
            1.      Acceptance
            2.      Respond
            3.      Respect
            4.      Organize
            5.      Characteristic value
c.       Psychomotor Domain
There are six levels are included in this domain:
            1.      Reflex
            2.      Basic Skills
            3.      Perceptual skills
            4.      Physical Skills
            5.      Movement skills
            6.      Communication non-conducive
2.      Hierarchies Objectives
In view of the educational goals of a general nature to a special nature that can be classified into four, namely:
a.       The aim of National Education (TPN)
b.      Institutional Objectives
c.       Curricular Objectives
d.      The purpose of instructional or learning objectives
Materials or curriculum materials (curriculum materials) is the content or curriculum content that must be understood students in achieving curriculum objectives that students must understand in order to achieve curriculum goals.
1.      Sources of Curriculum Materials
Content or curriculum materials should be based on three issues namely:
a.       Community
b.      Students
2.      Selection phase curriculum materials.
Selection phase is an important stage in the development of curriculum materials or content, there are several stages in the curriculum materials selectors are:
a.       Identify needs (needs assessment)
b.      Obtain curriculum materials (asses the curriculum materials)
c.       Analysis of materials (analyze the materials)
d.      Assessment of curriculum materials
e.       Making the decision to adopt the material (make an adoption decision)
3.      Types of Curriculum Materials
Curriculum materials to be learned students consist of facts, concepts, principles, laws, and skills.
4.      Criteria Determination Curriculum Materials
In general there are several considerations in determining whether particular curriculum materials from the point of students, namely:
a.       Maturity level students
b.      Child's level of experience
c.       Level of difficulty of material
Judging from the guidelines, the determination of curriculum materials should be based on several considerations as follows:
a.       Curriculum materials includes the values that must be instilled in students in accordance with the views of community life.
b.      Curriculum material is a material that can develop students 'potentials and capabilities in accordance with students' interests and talents.
c.       Curriculum material is material that is in accordance with the rapidly evolving disciplines.
d.      Curriculum materials need to meet the challenges and needs of the fast-changing society.


In the National Standard of Education (SNPs Article 1, paragraph 15), explained that the curriculum level education unit (KTSP) is the operational curriculum that prepared and implemented by each educational unit.  In general purpose implementation of KTSP is to empower the alone and education units through the granting authority (autonomy) in education institutions. In particular, the implementation of curriculum objectives are:
1.      Improving the quality of education through self-reliance and initiative in developing the school curriculum, manage and empower the resources available.
2.      Increasing awareness of citizens and public schools in curriculum development through shared decision-making.
3.      Increasing the competition is healthy between education about the quality of education that will be achieved.
Curriculum development based on two main runway, which is the basis of empirical and formal basis. The empirical basis include:
a.       The fact the low quality of our education both from the standpoint of both process and outcome of learning.
b.      Indonesia is a vast country that has the potential socio-cultural diversity and different needs .
c.       During this time the role of schools and communities in curriculum development that tend to be passive.
The formal basis, KTSP is prepared in order to fulfill the mandate set forth in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 Year 2003 on National Education system and the Indonesian Government Regulation No. 19 of 2005 on the National Standards of education.
Preparation KTSP elementary and secondary education to ignore the rules of national education minister number 22 of 2006 regarding the content standards for elementary and secondary education unit, the national education minister rules number 23 of 2006 concerning competency standards unit primary and secondary education. And regulation of national education minister number 24 of 2006 concerning the implementation of PP above. Furthermore, the technical preparation of the curriculum based on guidelines drawn up by national standards bodies of education (BSNP).
The principles of curriculum development consists of:
1.      Centered on the potential, progress, needs, and interests of learners and their environment.
2.      Diverse and integrated
3.      Responsive to the development of science, technology and art
4.      Relevant to the needs of life
5.      Comprehensive and continuous
6.      Lifelong learning
7.      Balance between national interests and regional interests
As a guidance curriculum consists of four components, namely education unit level educational objectives, program structure and curriculum content, educational calendar, syllabus and lesson plans.
1.      The purpose of education
2.      Program structure and curriculum
3.      Education Calendar
4.      Syllabus and learning implementation plan
There are several things that must be considered in preparing the curriculum, namely:
1.      Analysis cortex
2.      Mechanisms preparation
3.      Activity
4.      Enforcement


The curriculum has two sides are equally important, the curriculum as a document and the curriculum as implementation. Curriculum as a document delivery form of a written curriculum which is then used as a guide for every developer curriculum, including teachers. Curriculum as the implementation is the reality of the implementation of the operational curriculum in the field, which no other is the learning process carried out by students both inside and outside the classroom.
KTSP structure consists of two documents. The first document, contains the reference background includes curriculum development, purposes and principles of development, educational goals, structure and curriculum, educational calendar. The second document, contains the syllabus and learning implementation plan.
In one document consists of four chapters, namely introduction, educational goals, structure and curriculum, and educational calendar.
1.      Chapter 1 Introduction
The components in the introductory chapter:
a.       Background
b.      KTSP Development Objectives and Functions
c.       KTSP Development Principles
KTSP development principles adapted to the rules and policies that have been determined, namely:
1)   Based on the potential, progress, needs, and interests of learners and their environment.
2)   Diverse and integrated.
3)   Responsive to the development of science, technology, and art.
4)   Relevant to the needs of life.
5)   Comprehensive and continuous.
6)   Learning throughout life.
7)   Balanced between national interests and regional interests.
2.      Chapter 2 Aims of Education
The second chapter consists of educational objectives, vision and mission schools, and goals for the school itself.
a.       Educational Objectives
Educational goals formulated according to the Act, namely to the development of potential students to become human a faithful and pious to God the Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent, and become citizens of the democratic and responsible.
b.      Vision and Mission School
Vision is the ultimate goal is measurable and realistic regarding to the potential of your school ..
Mission school in conjunction with efforts to what can be done to achieve the school vision.
3.      Chapter 3 Structure and Content Curriculum
a.       Subject
b.      Local Content
c.       Development Activities
d.      Settings Education Expenses
e.       Exhaustiveness Learning
f.       Increase in Class and Graduation
g.      Majors
h.      Life Skills Education \
i.        Based Education Local and Global Excellence
4.      Chapter 4 Education Calendar
Calendar prepared by the school education in accordance with local needs, school characteristics, the needs of learners, and society with reference to the provisions established in content standards. Of particular interest are:
a.       The number of weeks and days effective
b.      Annual Program Planning
c.       Plans semester program
KTSP In the second document contains the syllabus and learning implementation plan (RPP).
1.      Syllabus Development
Syllabus can be interpreted as a learning program design one or group of subjects that contains the basic standards of competence and competence to be achieved by students, subject matter that must be learned and how students learn and how to determine the achievement of basic competencies of money have been determined. Thus, the syllabus can be used as a guide for teachers in implementing lesson plans each time learning.
2.      Learning Implementation Plan (RPP)
a.       Understanding RPP
Learning implementation plan (RPP) is a planning program which is prepared as a guide the implementation of learning for each learning activity. RPP was developed based on the syllabus.
b.      RPP Components
1)      The purpose of learning
2)      Material
3)      Learning Strategies and Methods
4)      The Media and Learning Resources
5)      Evaluation

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